The First Developers That Can Gain Access to The Fund Will Be Those That Are Accepted Into The Genies Developer Incubator to Build The First Genies XR-Ready Experiences
The Developer Kit Provides Three Key Tech Components For Building Avatar Experiences: Avatar Framework, XR Compatibility, and AI Generative Gameplay Bot
LOS ANGELES, June 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Genies, culture’s leading avatar tech company, announced today that it is launching a $1M Developer Engagement Fund for developers building AR experiences for an interoperable avatar social network. The fund will support Avatar Experience builders, allowing them to unlock funding based on performance benchmarks across each individual experience and the collective of all experiences, given the experiences will be built with interoperability in mind.
The first developers that will gain access to the Dev Kit and Fund will be those that are selected via application for The Genies Developer Incubator. Through the Incubator and Fund, Genies is looking to empower and foster the next era of developers: Avatar Experience Builders. The Incubator will provide the opportunity for builders to receive mentorship from Genies to support them as they create their Experiences, along with the opportunity to collaborate with other developers as they create and launch the first Genies’ XR-ready Experiences.
The Genies Dev Kit includes a state-of-the-art Avatar Framework that allows for any type of avatar variety and aesthetic, an AI Generative Gameplay Bot to help craft interoperable Experiences and generate gameplay, and XR Compatibility allowing for embodiment with high performance and quality. This tech will allow developers to create a variety of Experiences ranging all the way from mini games to social worlds and allow their AR Experiences to be brought together in a shared ecosystem as an interoperable avatar social network.